How to selflessly and profoundly love wives as Christ so loves the Churches
in helping first wives to joyfully and willingly embrace Christian Polygamy! |
The first question to ask, Does a man endorse
The TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-force?
For if he will not, it's a matter of course,
He's making a path which causes divorce.
But there can be healing if he'll have remorse:
The TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-force!
For this message of love, if he'll re-enforce,
Helps a first wife ---it's Christ's love at its source!
So the question to ask, Does a man endorse
The TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-force?
© July 07, 2000, TruthBearer.org
P.O. Box 765, O.O.B., ME 04064
If you want to learn more about the "TRUTH BEARER Vision of love-not-force", then you will want to sign up and join us on the Friends and Fellowhelpers email listservs too.